Have you ever lost/forgotten the location of a text file and didn't know where to look for it and the only thing you you were sure about was a few words here and there? Have you ever needed to find a certain article/story and all you had to go on was the guy's name and a couple of other little tidbits of information? Text ta' See is the answer.
Text ta' See lets you search an entire drive's worth of text files for up to eight different words/phrases in just minutes. And once you've found those files Text ta' See will show you snippets of text or the entire document so you can tell if this is the one file you've been searching for. And if eight words still isn't enough, you have the option of searching the found set of files even more thoroughly.
USING Text ta' See
Click the "Select Folder' button to choose a folder/volume that you wish to search. Then enter up to eight different strings of text that you wish to search for. If you want Text ta' See to search for the strings as whole words i.e., tax instead of taxes, taxation taxed etc, check the box beside that string. As in string 2 above.
Once you've entered your strings, enter the number of matches that a file must have to make the list, the default is one.
Next choose whether to do a 'speed' search which commands all the computer's resources or a 'background' search which lets you perform other tasks during the search. Keep in mind that the 'speed' option can be as much as twice as fact as a background search. The default is for speed.
Click 'Search'
Once the search is complete, in the upper, right canvas area, Text ta' See will display the number of text files that were actually scanned and the total number that met the search criteria. In the listbox below, arranged in descending order by the number of matches each had, will be the names of the files.
A single-click on a file's name in the upper listbox will cause Text ta' See to display the full path to the file in the lower listbox and the file's statistics in the upper, right canvas area. Double-clicking will open the file in the "creator" application if present on your machine.
Double-clicking a file's name in the lower listbox reveals the file and the parent folder.
Clicking on the 'Show Doc' button will open a viewer allowing one to see the entire document with the search strings in bold red type.
Clicking on the 'Show Text' button will display snippets of text from the file with the search strings offset like ╚this╟ in the lower listbox.
Using 'Copy' will open a save dialog box allowing one to copy files to a more convenient location.
'Search List' allows you to further narrow your search by re-searching the files found in the previous search for a new set of search strings.
The 'CS' button clears all the search strings and resets the cursor in the 'String 1' editfield.
The author makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the author be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software.